What is a Whole Home Alkaline Water System?

You asked, we answered. We’ve seen this question coming up lately: “What is a Whole Home Alkaline Water System?” If you want to know the answer to this question, keep reading!

What is a Whole Home Alkaline Water System?

A whole home alkaline water system adds minerals to water to increase its pH. A common example of minerals used is a combination of calcite and magnesium oxide.

Alkaline water itself does not resolve the issues of water contamination or water hardness. As a result, many homeowners prefer a system than addresses all of these issues.

What is Alkaline Water?

Water’s pH level determines how acidic it is and ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. That “seven” number is considered neutral or balanced between acidic and alkaline. If water is below 7 on the pH scale, it’s “acidic.” If it’s higher than 7, it’s “alkaline.”

Alkaline Water Proponents Claim Health Benefits

Alkaline water enthusiasts claim that its increased hydrogen provides greater hydration than regular water, especially after a hard workout.

Fans of the stuff also say that regular drinking water with a pH below 7 creates too much acid in your blood and cells. They blame plain water’s low pH for all sorts of health problems, from osteoporosis to cancer.

Water that is more alkaline supposedly reduces acid in the bloodstream and:

Backers of high-pH water say it also has the power to starve cancer cells. Source 

Alkaline Water Health Claims Disputed

Some refute health claims about alkaline water. This summarizes their claim on WebMD.com:

“Your body can keep pH levels at an even keel on its own. Your kidneys are your built-in filtration system. It’s their job to balance the acid levels in your body. If your blood gets too acidic, your body brings it down by breathing out more carbon dioxide.

Your stomach is the great equalizer. Your gastric juices — a combination of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid — neutralize everything you eat and drink. Basically, your stomach will re-acidify alkaline water before it can do anything the health claims promise.” Source

What Can You Do?

Whether the health claims are ever substantiated or not, many prefer the taste of alkaline water. Homeowners who approach us usually want to address the issues of water hardness and contaminants. Can you get the best of both worlds? Yes, you can.

With Purity Bay you can have your cake and eat it too. A whole home water system to address hard water and contamination. A drinking water system under the sink that provides purified drinking water. On top of that we add a regulator that makes that water alkaline.

Purity Bay Water Solutions

Purity Bay specializes in a wide range of home water solutions, including water softeners, reverse-osmosis systems, whole home water filtration systems and anything in between. Whether you need help selecting a water system or servicing an existing system, our experienced team can help you out!

Schedule an appointment today!

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