Woman contemplating decision

If you are concerned about the quality of your home’s water supply, you may be considering investing in some form of home water system. In this post, we explore maintenance steps for home water systems. This can be a key factor in making the right decision.

To help, we’ve provided an overview of some of the different types of water systems available.

Water Softener 

A water softener needs to be maintained annually with a water softener cleaner or sanitizer. These are sold at Home Depot, Lowe’s, or us. Expected cost: $20.

We also provide it as a service to the homeowner. Expected cost: $80-$150, though this varies depending on the scope.

There is a strong likelihood of an imminent failure of the softener where you will need to re-bed or replace it in 1-3 years. That cost is anywhere from $650 – $850, depending on the size and materials needed.

Salt Regeneration — The system will take a brine solution (industrial-grade salt water). This is on-demand based on water usage, and systems generally flush every 800–1500 gallons. For an average family of four, this happens once or twice a week. This costs about $8 a month.

Water Conditioner

A water conditioner needs to be maintained annually in the same way – using a softener cleaner or sanitizer. These are sold at Home Depot, Lowe’s, or us. Expected cost: $20.

We also provide it as a service to the home owner. Expected cost: $80-$150, though varies depending on the scope.

There is a strong likelihood of an imminent failure of the conditioner where you will need to re-bed or replace it in 3-5 years. That cost is anywhere from $650 – $950, depending on the size and materials needed.

Salt Regeneration — The system will take a brine solution (industrial-grade salt water). This is on-demand based on water usage, and systems generally flush every 800–1500 gallons. For an average family of four, this happens once or twice a week. This costs about $8 a month.

Purity Bay 10-Stage Whole House Water System

Because of how our 10-Stage whole house system is built, routine or annual maintenance is not needed.

The system is composed bacterial-static layers including:

In the off chance that we are wrong about this, you can be rest assured that we offer a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty on all parts.

Salt Regeneration — 

With other systems, the process of salt regeneration run the toxins out through the filter, requiring filters to be replaced. However, the 10-stage also does this in a different way – it brines from the bottom to the top. This re-generates the resin bed, and also removes toxins from the system. By running it in reverse, it cleans the filter while cleaning the system.

Finding the Right System

In this post, we’ve covered various maintenance steps for home water systems. This isn’t the whole story so we’ve included some related links:

What is the Best System to Treat Hard Water?

What’s Different About the Purity Bay 10-Stage?

How Do I Get My Local Water Tested?

Getting the right system includes testing your water to understand what’s in it. Keep in mind a water conditioner addresses the hardness of the water, it does not necessarily remove all the contaminants to ensure it is ideal for drinking.

Purity Bay specializes in a wide range of home water solutions, including water softeners, reverse-osmosis systems, whole home water filtration systems and anything in between. Whether you need help selecting a water system or servicing an existing system, our experienced team can help you out!

Schedule an appointment today!

One Response

  1. I have a Purity Bay, under the sink, drinking water system which I Inherited from the previous owner.
    I have no information so I don’t know how to maintain it.
    Is there a manual describing care and maintenance of the system, I would like to get a copy ? I’m sure the filters need replacing by now.

stand alone system image (1)

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