Forever Chemicals Found in Vermont Town Again

Local officials from a Vermont town have found significant “forever chemicals” or “PFAS” contaminating local water wells. This story was originally published by Tiffany Tan of the Vermont Digger on September 29, 2023.

PFAS Contamination

Industrial chemicals linked to health issues have been discovered in Bennington, Vermont. This is seven years after PFAS contamination was first detected in the area. State tests revealed PFAS levels exceeding safety limits in drinking water for around a dozen households.

Cindy Thomson, a long-time Bennington resident, recently learned that her well contained forever chemicals, prompting inspectors to check more wells in the town, finding similar contamination. A lawsuit from the earlier contamination period does not cover these newly affected wells.

Officials tested Thomson’s well three times, showing PFAS levels above Vermont’s legal limit. Many believed the PFAS issue was resolved, but not Thomson, who recalls a history of local manufacturing and chemical odors.

At a public meeting, residents raised concerns about the exclusion of these new cases from the prior class-action lawsuit. An environmental analyst from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Richard Spiese, mentioned the need for further investigation due to differing PFAS variations and potential alternative sources.

Residents inquired about removing PFAS from their bodies, but the state toxicologist, Dr. Sarah Owen, explained that PFAS remain in the body indefinitely, earning them the label ‘forever chemicals.’

The state is taking action by distributing bottled water and offering in-house water treatment systems to those with excessive PFAS levels. A long-term solution proposed by local officials involves connecting affected homes to the municipal water system, which is PFAS-free, pending engineering and funding considerations.

What Does This Mean For You?

This incident did not happen in our area, but water contamination incidents been occurring in towns across the US. It’s best to take action now so you can have peace of mind.

Investing in purified drinking water can be a very smart move. At Purity Bay, we can’t claim to offer absolute protection against everything. What we can do is offer 15 stages of protection. And that’s fifteen reasons to give you peace of mind!

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